Internet i lägenheten!

Nu  har jag äntligen skaffat internet hemma i lägenhetn! & en ny windosphone! :D så fucking awesome!

Last day's now

Okeeeey ppl! Today I had sing exam and historical dance. Sing was okey..I don't know I stated to cry during rehsal before the "juges" or what to say came. Goood, don't know whats up with me this day..allot of crying going on XD But It was cool, I pulld it together in the end. The historical dance exam was so much fun! I think we did 8 diffrent dances ( from 1700-1800) so some Jane Astun stuff as well, very nice! The only unexpeted thing that happen was  when me and Liam did the waltz the cackt my toe XD BLOOOD EVERYWERE! But it was quit hardcore to dance with a bleeding toe. Not every day. And tomorrow stagt combat and circus exam! That means I'm going to kick someone ass with my swords (lovely) I love hiting ppl ( blink) and on it's just physical theatre on friday - But that is going to be so cool so I can't wait, then it's HOME TO SWEDEN!


Jag är lycklig

I did it!

  • WOOOHOOOO idag hade vi prov i jazz, step dans och ackrobatik! Dem two forsta gick shit bra! Sjukt kul. Vi borjade dag med Step danse - rutinen handlar om "pose people going wild" so much fun.  Stared with some nice tap  steps to going wild and figthing. My cute dress dons't smell not to good right now...won't be wearing that for a while.
  • Then we had som other stuff and after lunch we had ACKRO! Seriost! I was crying befor I went up for the Judge and when I went back down to the locker room. Omg I was so scared, haha wtf I did my jumps and head stand, so now it's not any stuff untill september -  I save my tears for that. MY face was so svulland after all that crying and now I have a propper headick but wtf I did and I'm very proud!
  • After ackro we went for the JAZZ! WE did a rutin from " Bugsy Malone",  we wasr playing starvning children from the street. God it was so fun to dress up as in the 20's.

(this was the song for the jazz)


OHHH really looking forward to comeing home and go absolutly BOOOKERS! AND party!

Best class to day

Hey litle bogg! I have misst you! Thought I could do some up dateing now when I'm wating for Emma. Her rehearsal end's at 00.00 and I don't feeling to go home alone in the dark tonight.  Today we had 2 hour's after school physical theater! I love it!  It's the best thing ever! LOVE LOVE! I wish we had more stuff like that in Sweden!
So fucking cool!

And I'm so happy no its just the last EXAMS this weekend and next week and them it a 2 week break! I really need A break so can go bookers at the tv at home. Really this 3 term as been so good! My acting going so much forward! Yay. Life is going smoood! Been quit nice to work in the school during week days as well this term becouse we had professional opra singers come in and have rehearsal's for big stuff! So nice tro hear them sing!


Passar pa medans jag kan! Calle fixade nar han var har sa jag har internet i 5 dagar. Haller pa att sminkar mig nu och dricke att appel jucie.


Heeeeeemmma! Vart och simmat for omvaxligs skulle. Oh my god, I'm so tired (but happy). Anyway have to do some work now before I leave for a party tonight byebye

Good morgon!

Sitter i koket och mumsar pa lite fruskost
Har precis sakt hej da till Calle. Stackan, han skulle ha stannat till imorgon men han har legat sjuk andase han kom hit. Men lite han vid med medans han var har! Vi var pa fashion show och mcdonals XD

Livet ar ett nottskal XD

Sitter i skolan och losare mig sjalv fran allt ansvar. Lite sma drepprimerad...mee jaa da ar allt som vanligt liksom. Deppration = Helt kanon!!
HAha jaa jag kollade tillbaka pa gamla inlagg (dem riktigt gamla) XD Oooch det ar ganska mycket deppration dar i saa...thats me for ya! Ne jag ar faktist en ganska glad manniska...speicllt efter jag flyttade over till London. Sa det sa! Rensar upp i mitt kaotiska liv. Men nu ska jag dra till gym! Det massa choklad innan...for att jag var deppig  sa nu maste jag ga och gyma bort det XD

check out my school

The new trailer for my school!

Chocklat la the min

Mummsar på chocklad i min säääng

Uper life!

Want for a walk in uper class London! With houses big as "arlanda" And oh my fucking good...fuck art life, I want a Millionai!

Solen skiner!

Sitter här på mitt golv med en kaffe i handen och datorn i famnen. Lyssnar till tvättmaskinens buller och bong, den mular så gulligt där den står ute i köket. Lägger ansikt mask och piller i näsan. Hittade mitt alla hjärtans dag kort som mamma skickat. Så nu står det här på bordet mitt i kaoset av kläder och dam. Ska strax sminka mig och åka i väg till min nya Agney och skriva kontrakt för den nya läggenheten. puss och kram

Pankaks frukost!

Liam var här igår och åt fruksot med mig innan han hade repetion. Vi gjorde pankakor! Det blev Sverige Vs Wales format!
Så jag bjöd på lingonsylt och pesto på mina svenska pankaor och han bjöd på chocklad, socker och gräddde. Soo fucking sweet.

Hyde park

Goood morgon! Herre guud jag är så bakis och Liam står nere vid dörren och plingar. Vi ska ut och jogga i Hyde park.....faaaast omg så bakis :P ne måste jag gå och öppna. Puss och kram

Good night

Good night ♥
Sleep tight know I have to sleep, have to get up early for Breakfast in covent garden.

Chinese New Year Festival

Me and Anna panna went in to Trafalgar Square for so party, party! And I'm telling you! It was carzy with people! OMG I was ready to die in that crowed of people . But you know what it ended really nice! Some shopping and some food and of couse some really good coffee.

Liveing right on the edge

Doing my morgning yogoa in the grass

A On A Countryside Girl!

Kiss and hug dare city.
Today I want out to the on a countryside of london. Me, Anna and Ylva  took the train out to chaningford. We went for a 2 hours walk i the forest, listening to birdsong and frasshoppers in the green grass. So lovely to feel fresh air on your face. After picknik in the grass we went on a cuckoo nest. OMG I really misst my camera! So it was so nice to get together with my old firend for some flash photography....♥

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